Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I HAVE NO COMMENTS or likes or anything!
I mean really, NOTHING!I feel like im being ignored!
So if you don't comment,the poodle dies!

Think of the poodle's people.THINK OF THE POODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

sorry guys

I am so sorry that I didn't go on this blog in a long time.
I forgot about it and my sister reminded me because she wanted to show
her friends. speaking of my sister, she has her own moviestarplanet
account ,and she's level 13.

this is her, asomegirl809

PLZ give her autos and gifts!

Also on msp there is a new....uh.....whatever!!!!

In case you didn't know, I leveled up! Now im level 10!

Well' I gotta go,plz comment and tell me what that ,whatever is called, and give my sis auto's,